Fluid Art Blue Deck (Standard Edition)


This deck is specially dedicated to all cardists, flourishers, and collectors.

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This deck is specially dedicated to all cardists, flourishers, and collectors.

There are two meanings behind the ‘Fluid Art’. In English, the name embodies the flow and design which draws inspiration from fluid paintings. In Chinese means the word means glittering and brilliant colors of light. We believe that this would cause your eyes to sparkle, not just figuratively, but also in reality.

In addition, we are also adhering to our pursuit of superb feel and handling. No matter the type of flourish or cardistry moves, the tactile feel and slickness of the cards all blend smoothly into one fluid motion.

Deck Includes:

  • 52 playing cards + 2 Jokers
  • Air cushion finish
  • Ultra-thin Fluid Stock
  • Printed by Taiwan Playing Card Company
  • Standard Poker size
  • Gilded tuck box
  • High-quality paper